Back with Zak

Derbyshire Open Arts seems a distant memory now. Very enjoyable this year with lots of visitors and it’s always great to meet new friends and network. But to be honest, and I feel a bit guilty saying this, it was quickly forgotten – or rather eclipsed – by events subsequently. Nothing to do with art, and I don’t usually let the outside world intrude, but meet Zak…..


Zak is my new grandson and 10lbs of urgent human demand. Gorgeous though he is everything else in our family, including my artistic endeavours, blogs etc,has taken on a distinctly secondary perspective over the last few months. I expect things will gradually resume their normal course, and even though becoming a grandfather again is one of those “life-will-never-be-the-same-again-moments” once the novelty dies down even my blogging should pick up again.

Anyway I must get some painting done first. At the moment it’s still life which I seem to have discovered a real feel for – this is what I am working on presently, Marbles but it’s the colours that really have me hooked. Still life is a great observational discipline.


Bye for now!